K·LINE MONOPANEL entrance door

Puerta entrada monopanel K line

Do you want an elegant and different door?

Do you prefer a rustic or modern style?

Without glass , with glass on the door or on the sides or fixed at the top?

Accede al configurador online “lapuertademicasa.es” para diseñar su puerta a medida.

Why should you choose this type of entrance doors?

  • Bicolor: a different color inside and out. E.g. white inside and brown outside.
  • Exterior handle without screws inside.
  • Different handles and colors to choose from.
  • 5-point automatic lock.

Available models of K·LINE Monopanel entrance door

Below you can see some available models, although there is a wide range available that you can consult with us.

Colours for K·LINE Monopanel entrance doors

You can choose from 30 standard colours that can be used for any model. In addition, you can order a two-tone door (a different colour inside and out) with matt white on the inside and another colour on the outside.

Some of the colors are as follows:

Blanco ral 9010
Gris ral 7016
Gris ral 7022
You can consult the complete color chart here.

Home automation for the entrance door

Just like Kline windows, entrance doors can be automated to be controlled from a mobile phone using Delta Dore technology. The following devices can be used:

DVI: Built-in lock detector

This system is made up of a device integrated into the frame and the door and, depending on whether they touch or not, it will show you the state of the door.

This is the DVI:

This is the inner button:

Así es como se muestra la puerta en la aplicación:

The door is open or has to be pushed to close it properly.
The door is open or has to be pushed to close it properly.
The door is locked without a key. It can be opened with the app, with a remote control, with the internal button, with the key or with the internal handle.

Features of the MONOPANEL door

72 MM single panel sheet
  • Complete thermal break (frame, leaf(s), floor finishing profile).

Perimeter sealing gasket to ensure sealing between the frame and the sash. High thermal insulation: Ud up to 1.0 W/m².K.

  • Single-panel LEAF door:

PERSPECTIVE, character, contemporary, PRESTIGE and Creative collections: Single-panel sheet with 72mm thick insulation.


Clarté Collection: 47 mm laminated triple decorative glazing.


Luminescence Collection: 58mm laminated decorative triple glazing.


Doors with a single-panel leaf filled with insulation, 85 mm thick. Coplanar leaf with perfect alignment with the frame on the outside. Complete thermal break (frame, leaf(s), floor finishing profile). Perimeter sealing gasket to ensure sealing between the frame and the leaf. High thermal insulation: up to 0.82 W/m².KH.

Design and customization

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