Project: Pefkodásos
in Pineda de Mar

In this project, all the windows and entrance door of the house were changed.

One of the client's priorities was to maximize the entry of light into the house, and to create a continuous floor between the dining room and the pool area with minimal profiles.

All this was possible thanks to the Minima Slide sliding door from K·LINE, and as can be seen in the video, its rolling system makes it easy to slide.

For the entrance door, they chose the Steel door also from K·LINE , the same colour as the rest of the windows and silver details, which contrasts with the stones at the entrance.

Project: Pefkodásos
in Pineda de Mar

In this project, all the windows and entrance door of the house were changed.

One of the client's priorities was to maximize the entry of light into the house, and to create a continuous floor between the dining room and the pool area with minimal profiles.

All this was possible thanks to the Minima Slide sliding door from K·LINE , and as can be seen in the video, its rolling system makes it easy to slide.

For the entrance door, they chose the Steel door also from K·LINE, the same colour as the rest of the windows and silver details, which contrasts with the stones at the entrance.

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