Shipping to mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and Portugal.
RC3 Burglar-proof Security UNE EN 1627: 2011
RC3 Burglar-proof Security UNE EN 1627: 2011
RC3 Burglar-proof Security UNE EN 1627: 2011
Armored doors, like these doors, have an RC3 rating.
To comply with this, our doors have an anti-lever security lock, a high-security anti-drill cylinder and anti-lever security hinges installed.
After more than 15 years in the aluminium carpentry sector, we have started to send our products throughout Spain due to the demand we saw there was.
Continuing with the personalized attention that has always characterized us, we want online sales to be as similar as possible.
You can contact us by phone, email or through the form and we will respond as soon as possible.
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