Fixed and practicable iron bars for doors and windows

There are several models for practicable and fixed galvanized steel gates, and all of them can be manufactured with or without a frame.

Ornamental Model
  • 50 x 20 mm tube frame
  • 30mm ornamental bar

Rhombus model

  • Angle frame 35 x 35 mm
  • Varilla maciza de 12 mm

Classic Model

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm
  • 14 mm solid rod

Tubular Model

  • 50 x 20 mm tube frame
  • 20 x 20 mm tube

Solid Rectangular Model

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm
  • 16 mm solid square drive

Magnolia Model

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm
  • 16 mm  solid square bars (ask for each model)

Gardenia Model

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm 
  • 16 mm solid square bars (ask for each model)

Lotus Model

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm
  • 16 mm solid square bars (ask for each model)

Modelo Margarita

  • Handrail frame 40 x 8 mm
  • 16 mm solid square bars (ask for each model)

Colores disponibles

Puedes lacar las rejas en cualquier color, aunque hay unos colores Ral estándar que serán más económicos.

A parte de los colores ral, se puede pedir Zincada en Plata u Oxirón.

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