Praesidium security gate

Reja de seguridad preasidium
The Praesidium security gate is one of the most secure gates on the market while offering a pleasant design and eliminating minimal visibility. The main characteristics of this type of grating are:
  • It is made of lacquered aluminium, with the possibility of applying marine lacquer if it is installed next to the sea.
  • With a minimalist design and straight lines to cover the view as little as possible while protecting the space.
  • It allows you to open up the entire space thanks to the pivot points that support the grating on the wall.
  • Special, fixed closure that blocks the leaves at three opening and closing position points.
  • Anti-drill lock cylinder.
  • Anti-lever interior profile.
Reja seguridad Praesidium

You can see the differences and advantages of each type of gate in our dedicated blog.

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