Reja de ballesta

Ballesta 2

Crossbow or extendable bars provide security and are a deterrent to intruders, with a two-point lock with  steel latches  and  a security point key .

They can be manufactured in one or two leaves with the possibility of  a pivot point  and of moving the lower profile to leave the door or window space free.

They are made of  silver-plated zinc  material and a wide range of colours for subsequent lacquering, and with an upper bearing.

Crossbow or extendable bars provide security and are a deterrent to intruders, with a two-point lock with  steel latches  and  a security point key .

They can be manufactured in one or two leaves with the possibility of  a pivot point  and of moving the lower profile to leave the door or window space free.

They are made of  silver-plated zinc  material and a wide range of colours for subsequent lacquering, and with an upper bearing.

For more security, visit the Praesidium fence page .

Details of the crossbow gate


Finishing the grating

You can choose any colour from the RAL chart to lacquer your crossbow or silver zinc plating, however, we have some standard colours that will be more economical.

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