Security shutters and bars

There are many types of shutters and bars on the market, and not all of them offer security. There are some that are deterrents (if you have them and your neighbour doesn't, and they don't want to enter your house, they will go to your neighbour's house) and there are others that offer more or less security.

Blinds for doors and windows

Blinds can be classified into 3 types:

Aluminum blinds

Extruded aluminum blinds

Self-locking aluminium blinds

Persiana d'alumini laminat

Aluminum blinds

Persiana d'extrusió

Extruded aluminum blinds

Persiana autoblocant

Self-locking aluminium blinds

También existen las persianas de PVC pero no son recomendables porque su durabilidad es inferior a las de aluminio y el precio es similar.

There are also PVC blinds, but they are not recommended because they are less durable than aluminium blinds and the price is similar.

You can see the differences and advantages of each one in our blog dedicated to it.

Grilles for doors and windows

The three most commonly used types of gratings are:

The gate that offers the most security is the Praesidium gate (made of aluminium, anti-drill cylinder, internal bars to prevent cutting, etc.), while the fixed and practicable gate is made of steel or solid tube and the crossbow is made of lacquered galvanised steel.

You can see the differences and advantages of each one in our blog dedicated to it .

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